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Home- Environmental Analysis

Determinating Free Silicon Dioxide Content in Air

  • The content of free silicon dioxide is a crucial component in the determination of dust pollutants in the air. In this study, the standard curve method was employed to measure the silicon dioxide content,demonstrating a simple procedure and achieving satisfactory recovery rates.In industries such as coal mining, gold mining, ceramic processing, refractory materials, and workplaces surrounding thermal power plants, the air often contains a considerable amount of free silicon dioxide.

  • Prolonged exposure to such air can damage the respiratory system and may lead to serious conditions such as silicosis. Therefore, controlling and monitoring the content of free silicon dioxide in the air becomes particularly important.

  • The main component of free silicon dioxide in the air is α-quartz. In this study, the standard curve method was chosen for the measurement of silicon dioxide content in samples, offering a straightforward operation and accurate results.