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Home- Light Source series

LLE-1 Low Pressure Mercury Lamp

● Ground glass & diaphragm supplied
● Output of 20 W
● Housing and power supply included

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LLE-1 Low Pressure Mercury Lamp
  • A low pressure Mercury lamp is one of the most popular discharge lamps in labs, frequently used for wavelength calibration of optical measuring instruments and as a disinfection lamp to sterilize workspace and tools used in biology labs and medical facilities. High efficiency and good color rendition make this type of traditional lamp an ideal source for various applications. Low pressure Mercury lamps use Mercury in an excited state to produce light. The arc discharge is generally confined to a little fused quartz tube mounted within a larger borosilicate glass bulb. As the main arc strikes Mercury, the gas heats up and the pressure increases. The brightness of the lamp increases with an increase in gas pressure until it reaches a steady state.

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